Dr. Sarah Malik

Dr. Sarah Malik

Dr. Sarah Malik specializes in stress management coaching, helping clients develop personalized strategies to reduce stress and improve well-being.

Specialty: Stress Management
Expertise: Personalized Stress Reduction Techniques
Length of Work: Since 2014

About Dr. Sarah Malik

Dr. Sarah Malik has over 15 years of experience in wellness coaching and stress management. She holds a Master’s degree in Health Psychology from King’s College London and a Ph.D. in Stress Management from the University of California, Berkeley.

Dr. Malik’s approach combines evidence-based stress reduction techniques with personalized coaching to help clients manage stress effectively. Her expertise includes identifying stressors, teaching relaxation techniques, and fostering resilience in challenging situations.


Work-Related Stress Management
Stress Reduction Techniques
Resilience Building
Burnout Prevention
Lifestyle and Wellness Coaching


Doctor’s Services

The Wellness and Preventive Care department is dedicated to promoting mental ...
Wellness and Preventive Care

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  1. JazzCash : 03057390446
  2. Easypaisa : 03057390446
  3. Bank Transfer : IBAN(PK79NBPA0383004173878056)

Once the payment is completed, kindly send the receipt or a screenshot of the transaction to our WhatsApp number: 03077040751.

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